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By Laws

Raritan Photographic Society By Laws

Approved by a vote of the RPS membership on July 16, 2009.


Article I.  Name

The name of this Club shall be: the "Raritan Photographic Society" also known as ”RPS”.

Article II.  Objectives

The objectives of this club shall be:

  • An association for the mutual enjoyment of photography.
  • To encourage the advancement of members in the knowledge, practice and skill of photography.
  • To make mutual contributions to the field of photography.

Photography is defined as images produced with the traditional chemical processes as well as electronic imaging, or a combination of these methods.

Article III.  Membership and Dues

Any person active or interested in the practice of photography may apply for membership in the club.  A member is defined as; a person who has paid, in full, the appropriate dues prior to participating in any club sponsored competitions or activities.

The amount of the annual dues shall be set by the Executive Board before the first September meeting.  Dues shall be collected by the Club treasurer or another RPS member, as appointed by the president when deemed necessary.

The amount of annual dues to be collected shall be as follows...

  • Full year (September to June), single person as set value.
  • Full year (September to June), couples (2 persons living at the same address) at a set reduced value.

Dues will be offered to single or couples, at half the full year amount for persons who apply for membership after February first. (Half year = February to June.)

Dues are not refundable.

Article IV.  Officers

The officers of this Club shall be:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer

Article V.  Duties of the Officers


  • Shall lead the Club and shall enforce the laws and regulations of the Club.
  • Shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board.
  • Shall make the necessary appointments to fill the vacancies of any elected Club officer.
  • Shall maintain records of the Planning Meetings as well as Executive Board Meetings, and shall maintain and make available all motions and seconds, and the results of the balloting involved in passing or failing of said motions.
  • Shall perform other duties as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.

Vice President:

  • Shall assist the President as necessary and officiate at all meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Shall serve as a member of the Executive Board.
  • Shall perform other duties as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.


  • Shall collect and hold in the name of the Club all monies received by, and belonging to, the Club.
  • Shall serve as a member of the Executive Board.
  • Shall promptly pay all bills and financial obligations of the Club as directed by the President and/or the Executive Board.
  • Shall prepare a final financial report at the end of the fiscal year (fiscal year shall run from July 1st to June 30th), to be filed with the Executive Board.
  • Shall prepare a draft budget for the new fiscal year that shall be presented to the Executive Board at a meeting prior to August 1st, for their review and approval.  A copy of the final budget, incorporating comments from that meeting, shall then be prepared and submitted to the Executive Board for their final review and approval at the next meeting which shall take place prior to the first September Club meeting.
  • Shall maintain a true, complete, and up-to-date record of all monies and physical assets belonging to the Club.  A detailed report showing the financial position of the Club shall be presented at each meeting of the Executive Board or whenever requested by the President or a member of the Executive Board.
  • Shall provide a copy of the treasurer's report to any member who requests a copy for review.
  • Shall provide Club funds for payment of purchases for the Club’s use at his/her own discretion when purchases are under $100.00.  All un-budgeted purchases made for the Club’s use valued between $100.00 and $200.00 shall require the President’s authorization and all un-budgeted purchases exceeding $200.00 shall require the Executive Board’s approval.
  • Shall maintain a record of the names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of all paid members.
  • Shall prepare and distribute, on an annual basis, a membership list, with periodic updates as deemed necessary. If members choose to opt out of this distribution, their contact data will be given only to executive board members.
  • Shall perform other duties as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.

Article VI.  Nominations, Elections, and Installation of Officers

Officers shall be elected by majority vote of the members attending the second Club meeting in May, prior to the conclusion of the end of a term.  If there is more than one nominee for any office, voting shall be conducted by ballot.

The president shall appoint a Nominating Committee, as one of the special committees, consisting of three members, at least two months prior to the second Club meeting in May. (Special Committees are described in Article IX.)

The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for office.  The slate shall be e-mailed to the club members and posted on the club website prior to the first Club meeting in May.

The new officers will be installed at the annual Year End Banquet to take place in June.

Article VII.  Vacancies

If the office of President shall, for any reason, become vacant, the duties shall be assumed by the Vice President.

If any office other than that of the President shall become vacant, it shall be filled by another RPS member as appointed by the President, but for no longer than the remainder of the term of office.

If and when it deems necessary, the Executive Committee shall hold special elections.

Article VIII.  Terms of Office

Elected officers shall serve a two-year term.  They may succeed themselves in office.

Article IX.  Standing Committees

The following shall be the Standing Committees and Committee Heads:

  • Program Chairperson(s)
  • Print, and Digital Competition Chairperson(s)
  • Publicity Chairperson(s)
  • Award Chairperson(s)
  • Refreshment Chairperson(s)
  • Workshop & Field Trips Chairperson(s)
  • Good and Welfare Chairperson(s)
  • Federation Representative(s)
  • Webmaster(s)

The Program Chairperson(s):  shall maintain a current list of qualified judges and obtain a qualified judge for each competition.  The Chairperson also will be responsible for greeting each judge when he/she arrives, interview and provide a bio for their introduction before each competition.  The Program Chairperson shall also obtain qualified speakers for each Club lecture meeting and provide a summary of the lecture to the Editor of the Club newsletter for publication.

The Print and Digital Chairpersons: shall set up the necessary equipment at scheduled competitions, provide entry forms and shall keep records of the competition results.  Copies of the competition results shall be provided to the Club’s newsletter editor and webmaster. The chairpersons shall be responsible for collecting and returning entries for the Annual Year End Banquet Competition.

The Publicity Chairperson(s): shall see that notices of meetings and special activities reach suitable target audiences (via local newspapers, cable TV, websites, and camera stores), thereby promoting interest in the Club's programs within the community.

The Awards Chairperson(s): shall be responsible for obtaining and distributing the awards which may consist of ribbons or other items to the winners of the regular competitions as well as the year-end competition.

The Refreshment Chairperson(s): shall take charge of the obtaining and providing refreshments for each club meeting.  He/she shall be reimbursed from the Club treasury for all reasonable expenses for said refreshments.

The Workshops & Field Trips Chairperson(s): shall, with the direction from the Executive Board, establish and conduct programs to benefit the club in its mission to enhance the photographic knowledge and skill of the membership. This can include field trips offered to members to benefit their photographic skills.

The Good and Welfare Chairperson(s): shall be responsible for greeting new members and guests at meeting, notifying Club members about personal happenings of members, and sending appropriate cards, flowers, etc. in the event of special occasions.  He/she shall also provide name tags for all attendees and shall provide guests with a program packet consisting of upcoming RPS programs.

The Federation Representative(s): shall be the main contact with the New Jersey Federation of Camera Clubs.  He/she shall inform the Club of the Federation's activities by way of address at a Club meeting, email or notes to Clubs newsletter editor.

The Webmaster(s): shall be responsible for the upkeep of the Clubs website.  Changes to be made to the current site shall be made only with the authorization of the Executive Board.

Chairs of these committees and others shall be named by the President and serve at his/her pleasure.

Special committee chairpersons (or complete committees): shall be committee(s), as deemed necessary to provide further photographic interests to the club, other than those noted above as Standing Committees and may be appointed by the President to serve during his/her tenure of office, but special committee chairpersons shall not become part of the Executive Board.  Special committees could be but are not limited to Nominating, By-laws, Competition Rules, Education, Banquet, etc.

Article X.  Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be composed of the currently elected officers of the Club, as well the immediate Past President, and chairs of the Standing Committees and shall be responsible for the general guidance of the operations of the Club and the transaction of its official business.

Board actions shall be announced at the following regular club meeting.

Article XI. Meetings

Club Meetings: Two meetings shall be held during each month from September through May, with the exception of December which shall be a Holiday Party for members and guests.  One meeting shall be dedicated to a competition and one meeting shall be dedicated to a lecture or other program.  All meetings are open to members and the general public.

The meeting dates, times and locations shall be as scheduled prior to the first September meeting.  Modifications to the schedule may be made by the President as deemed necessary due to weather, availability of meeting location, or for any other reason.

Special Business Meetings may be called at any time by the President or by written request of not less than five members or by vote of the Executive Board.

Executive Board Meetings: may be called at any time by any Executive Board member for any reason.


Summer Planning Meetings: may be called at the discretion of the President.  Attendance shall be the Executive Board along with any interested paid members from the previous fiscal year.  The purpose shall be for planning of activities for the new fiscal year.

A discussion of prior year’s judges and programs will be held and decisions on which judges and speakers shall be used again will be made.

Quorums and votes. A quorum is required to transact club business at any meeting, or by e-mail. A quorum consists of at least one elected officer and chairs of at least 6 standing committees. All actions requiring a vote (except elections) shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those voting. The deadline for voting by e-mail shall be at least 7 days after the ballot is sent.

Article XII.   Competitions

One meeting a month (between September and May, with exception of December) shall be set aside for competitions in both prints and digital media.

Competition rules shall be drawn up by a committee appointed by the President.  The proposed rules shall be first approved by the Executive Board then submitted to the membership for final approval.

Article XIII.  Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended as deemed necessary by an affirmative vote of 50% of the members voting.  Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board and e-mailed to the club and posted on the club website for review 30 days prior to being voted upon.

Article XIV.  Approval of the Constitution & By-Laws

These By-Laws shall be regarded as officially adopted upon affirmative vote per Article XIII.

Article XV.  Appeals

Any member of the Club who may find cause for dissatisfaction with the operation of Raritan Photographic Society must appeal in writing to the Executive Board whose decision shall be final.